Principles of Bahá’í Administration
THIS book, which is intended for use by Assemblies, groups, and individuals as a guide to procedure in the life and organic activity of the Bahá’í Community, was prepared from three main sources, Bahá’í Administration, Bahá’í Procedure (1937 and 1942 editions), and Bahá’í Community, all published by the Publishing Committee of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of the United States of America. There have also been included some messages of the Guardian to the British Isles, a few statements of his taken from sundry numbers of Bahá’í News, the monthly journal of the American Bahá’ís, some passages from God Passes By and a very few other quotations.
The attempt has been made to keep the compilation as free as possible from restrictive and perhaps temporary regulations because in an evolving organism like the present Bahá’í Community, the processes of its procedure must also be kept fluid.
The contents of the book are therefore of an impermanent nature and will require to be superseded at some future date by its successor designed to meet more closely the needs of a greatly expanded community.
It should be remarked that those few passages not from the pen of the Guardian, amounting in all to not more than two or three pages, have been duly approved by the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of the United Kingdom and are clearly indicated.