The Bahá’í World
Volume 1 : 1925-1926
Quotations from the Bahá’í Teachings
KNOWLEDGE is like unto wings for the being (of man) and is like a ladder for ascending. To acquire knowledge is incumbent upon all, but of those sciences which may profit the people of the earth, and not such sciences as begin in mere words and end in mere words. The possessors of sciences and arts have a great right among the people of the world. Indeed, the real treasury of man is his knowledge. Knowledge is the means of honor, prosperity, joy, gladness, happiness and exultation.
He who educates his son, or any other children, it is as though he hath educated one of My children   (Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh.)
NO INDIVIDUAL should be denied or deprived of intellectual training although each should receive according to capacity. None must be left in the grades of ignorance, for ignorance is a defect in the human world. All mankind must be given a knowledge of science and philosophy; that is, as much as may be deemed necessary. All cannot be scientists and philosophers but each should be educated according to his needs and deserts.
The education of woman is more necessary and important than that of man, for woman is the trainer of the child from its infancy. If she be defective and imperfect herself the child will necessarily be deficient; therefore imperfection of woman implies a condition of imperfection in all mankind, for it is the mother who rears, nurtures and guides the growth of the child. This is not the function of the father. If the educator be incompetent the educated will be correspondingly lacking. This is evident and incontrovertible. Could the student be brilliant and accomplished if the teacher is illiterate and ignorant? The mothers are the first educators of mankind; if they be imperfect, alas for the condition and future of the race. . . . Therefore, they (the mothers) must be capably trained in order to educate both sons and daughters. There are many provisions in the Words of Bahá’u’lláh in regard to this. . . When all mankind shall receive the same opportunity of education and the equality of men and women be realized, the foundations of war will be utterly destroyed.   (‘Abdu’l-Bahá in “Promulgation of Universal Peace.”)
EDUCATION holds an important place in the new order of things The education of each child is compulsory. If there is not money enough in the family to educate both the girl and the boy the money must be dedicated to the girl’s education, for she is the potential mother. If there are no parents the community must educate the child. In addition to this widespread education each child must be taught a profession, art, or trade, so that every member of the community will be enabled to earn his own livelihood. Work done in the spirit of service is the highest form of worship.   (‘Abdu’l-Bahá in “Divine Philosophy.”)
ALL THE CHILDREN must be educated so that there will not remain one single individual without an education. In cases of inability on the part of the parents through sickness, death, etc., the state must educate the child. In addition to this widespread education, each child